haha.. 1st of all.. this is no short hair.. no wig.. it's my hair.. bt juz that i hid de long part of it under de short part of it.. so dun ask me "i tot u cut ure hair???!" haha.. bt u can ask me how did i do it.. krakra..
no.. nt act cute.. it's natural~
haha.. n i found a new boutique.. named MOOIE~!! haha.. it's a bangsar jln telawi2.. i tink it's gettin more popular now as de seventeen talks abt dem n deir product.. haha.. check it out~
dont mind de half-a-boob~
haha.. my bro is now crazy over baking.. fr bread to cookies to bun to cheese cake n now shifon cake*how do u spell it??*.. haha.. n i found this in de shop where he buy his baking stuff..
haha.. my masterpiece no.1my masterpiece no.2~
my masterpiece no.3~!! um.. i mean finishin all of dem><
haha~!! i juz looooooooooooooove chocs~!! yea.. dat's y.. look at how well i had grown.. krakra..
haha.. dat day we went kl sentral n we (singning and i) spot dis sexy~ haha.. suzuki swift in purplish pink~!! it's so damn hot and sexy~!! haha.. juz hope im de owner.. agaga~
de colour look much more prettier in real~ love it~^^
im addicted to rubrik cube~~!! mum found dis..
hehe~ found dis pic~ mooie jelly cake<3~>
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